Good Omens Fic Rec: Had We But World Enough And Time by entanglednow, SightKeeper (GarrulousGibberish)

Title: Had We But World Enough And Time 

Author: entanglednow,

Artist: SightKeeper (GarrulousGibberish)

Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley


Wordcount: 13,444

Summary: Aziraphale finds himself plagued by a persistent discomfort, which he soon discovers could be the beginning of something much worse, something he’s unprepared to face.

Why this fic is awesome: Oh this angst is so very sweet. Aziraphale starts to feel uncomfortable in his corporation…something appears to be changing, but he doesn’t want Crowley to find out. I don’t want to spoil it by too much detail but there’s some delicious heart-wrenching, slightly gory angst and suffering with a lovely finish.