Harry Potter Rec: The Scarlet Pimpernel by AMarguerite

Only Semi-sort-of available Updated 1/4/2019. Once again another brilliant fic has bitten the proverbial dust.

If anyone finds the author has archived this elsewhere please do let me know and I will update this page.

You know, I’ve been reading fic for over half my life now and it never gets any easier when a good fic disappears 😦

NOTE: This fic appears to be currently available in a pdf/image form here with a possible alternate pseud of the author http://redhen-publications.com/pimpernel.html however if anyone does come across a link with just the text (thereby easier to read on phones, tablets and for those with visual impairments etc) then please do let me know- also I’d suggest if you want it grab it now, because if the author is indeed deleting their stuff from the web than there’s no guarentee how long it with be there.


Harry Potter Rec: The Scarlet Pimpernel by AMarguerite (ffnet link is dead) 

Title: The Scarlet Pimpernel

Author: AMarguerite

Ship: mostly Gen, minor mentions of Percy Weasley/Penelope Clearwater

Wordcount: 53,050


Percy Weasley recieves some fictional inspiration before realizing that Authority, though Authority, is not always right. Through DH, he tries to do the right thing, rescue Muggleborns without losing his life or his job, and find the right laws.

Why this fic is awesome

Wonderfully written (and also very humorous in places), this fic shows Percy as the same stick-in-the-mud he ever was realising just how dreadful things are getting in the ministry as the death eaters move in. Realising that he cannot continue to simply turn a blind eye to the injustices he is bound to enforce upon others (not in the least, on Penny Clearwater), he becomes a Wizarding World version of the Scarlet Pimpernel, rescuing muggleborns and half-bloods from the ministry directly under Dolores Umbridge’s nose. The author has a wonderful turn of phrase and, as I mentioned earlier, a humorous bent that prevents a story set in undoubtedly one of the bleaker moments in HP from being totally without pleasure. I particularly love the idea of Oliver Wood and Percy Weasley being friends purely because both of them bored all their other yearmates to tears between Percy’s obsession with rules and studying and Oliver’s Quidditch obsession. This fic definitely deserves wider recognition.


DH Percy Weasley Secrecy Spies Spy Spying Supterfuge Rescue The Scarlet Pimpernel Disguise Hiding

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