Good Omens Fic Rec: Every Sense of the Word improfem, Laura Shapiro (laurashapiro)

Title: Every Sense of the Word


Ship: Crowley/Aziraphale


Wordcount: 6,837

Summary: Aziraphale puts his hand on top of Crowley’s and Crowley can feel the blood drain from his head. His face feels hot and his eyeballs hurt and the room starts to close in. The last thing Crowley knows is the sensation of his knees hitting the floor as he slithers out of his chair.

NB: Rated E- NSFW

Why this fic is awesome:

This fic is unashamadly smokin’ hot and also beautifully written. If you can, each sentence can be savoured and builds up an extremely sexy image in the process, featuring Crowley and Aziraphale, fresh from toasting the world and now finally, deliciously free to touch each other and do whatever they have always wanted (but never spoken about). Feautring a Crowley who thinks he’s suave but is totally undone by a touch and an Aziraphale boneless in the face of being able to finally relinquisih his self-control.


Good Omens Fic: how deep the sand by Handful_of_Silence

Title: how deep the sand (series)


URLS: 1- How Big the hourglass how deep the sand-

2- love and its decisive pain

Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley

Wordcount: 51,079 (2 works)


After the Apocalypse, and with characteristic slowness, both Crowley and Aziraphale think there might be something they need to sit down and talk about.

And then Aziraphale disappears.




The cottage isn’t going anywhere, Crowley reasoned. There was no need to rush these things.

Or, before they settle down, Crowley and Aziraphale go on a road trip.

Why these fics are awesome:

Ok, definitely read this series in order as the second is about recovery from the first. Aziraphale goes missing and Crowley can’t find him for decades it is sad and sweet and traumatic and heartbreaking for the both of them and yet also manages to be filled with hopefulness. It is an absolute joy to read.


Good Omens Fic: These immortal souls by NohaIjiachi

Title: These immortal souls


Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley


Wordcount:  42,515


“You should come with me,” he said, the words out of his mouth before he could even think about them. That was enough to make Ezra turn to him.


“Beg your pardon?”

“You should come with me,” Crowley repeated. “Let’s leave. Do not linger to watch the charred remains, there’s no need to hurt yourself so. Just come with me. We can leave right away.”

Ezra blinked, gray eyes moving about to take in Crowley’s expression.

“…Yes,” he replied, almost a whisper, and yet firm.

Crowley took his hand, and Ezra followed, pliant. They disappeared into the red night, never to be seen again.
Aziraphale never quite made it to live his life with the name he was given, but that does not mean that fate won’t still push him toward a very specific Demon.

Crowley is mostly confused by this creature’s entire existence, and yet is inexplicably pulled toward him.

They make it work. Sort of.


Why this fic is awesome:

I am blown away  by this story, and the embedded tarot-themed artwork. This is one for the ages, Crowley meets Ezra- an immortal who doesn’t know why he is an immortal and is, in all other respects, totally human. Crowley, therefore, pretends to be just like him- but then gets caught in his own lie (soo Crowley, of course!).

Features a human but still brave, kind-hearted and suffering! Aziraphale (he may not stay dead but he dies A LOT) lonely and trying to make meaning and purpose out of his life, and Crowley who just loves him and is tormented by the fact he’s been lying to him for so many years…and now the world’s ending and what’s a demon to do to his human friend who may -just-survive it, but would surely suffer endlessly if he did.

Heartache, love, pain, sweetness -it’s all in there my friends!


NB- locked account- you need to have an Ao3 account to read it. BUT IT IS WORTH IT JUST FOR THIS.

Good Omens Fic Rec: shed a sweet light by attheborder

Title: shed a sweet light


(And, also, Podfic version: shed a sweet light [podfic] by )

Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley




“Angel, why didn’t you just tell them you were Jewish?”

“But I’m not! That would be lying!”

Crowley raised an eyebrow. “You’re not… not Jewish. You’re as Old Testament as they come. And it would’ve worked. Probably.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that one,” Aziraphale said haughtily, “the next time I am besieged by— by holiday influencers.” 


Why this fic (and also the podfic) is awesome:

I do love a social media fic and this one is a corker. Insta-famous influencer pitches a fit and starts a campaign against Aziraphale’s lack of Christmas decoration (“ruining the aesthetic”). Cue chaos in the bookshop, mischief and hijinks. It’s just a whole load of fun packed neatly into a nicely written fic with a great tone throughout. Enjoy!