Avengers Rec: Darkness, Flooded in Light by galaxysoup

Avengers Rec: Darkness, Flooded in Light by galaxysoup

Title: Darkness, Flooded in Light

Author: Galaxy Soup

Ship: Gen

Wordcount: 42329

Summary:“When much is taken, something is returned.” – Terry Pratchett, Nation

Loki falls. Injured and unable to access his magic, he must struggle to restore himself physically and mentally before the Bifrost is repaired and Asgard comes to find him. That would be difficult enough, but one of Asgard’s deepest secrets has followed him…

Why this fic is awesome:

First of all, I did read this before The Avengers film came out (and, if I’m being honest, before I got round to Thor but that’s only because space!films are really not my usual thing, so in some ways it might be harder for someone coming to it now to accept this particular version of Loki who, rather than falling and meeting the Chitauri, falls to Midgard and, wracked by pain and guilt and fear of Odin and Thor’s wrath, ends up hiding out in a tiny little town and becoming part of the local community. BUT this fic is still awesome. If you can get your head around a more fannish, pre-Avengers version of Loki it is most definitely worth it as Loki’s story is deeply thought out, well written, well plotted and an absolutely delightful read.



Amnesia, Memory Loss, Memory Repression, Genderqueer character, PTSD, Trauma, Loki!Whump, Angst, Recovery, friendship, relationships,


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