Good Omens fic rec: At Least Eleven Second First Times by enjambament

Title: At Least Eleven Second First Times


Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley


Wordcount: 8,814

Summary: Aziraphale deals with the consequences of having a brand new body after he’d broken the last one in for 6,000 years. Crowley helps. Taking a drunk-on-life Aziraphale on an impromptu road trip through French wine country to the North of Spain for a beach holiday is definitely helping, right?

Why this fic is awesome: Yum. Well, it is both delightful and fluffy and lovely ineffable-husbands stuff but it also does something quite special that I have not come across before. Aziraphale, post-apocanope has a brand new body- so although his mind is accustomed to living on Earth his body is like that of a brand newly-minted corporation- and an angel of that. It explores the way Aziraphale experiences the world and how overwhelming and lovely things like food, touch, sensations are to him. So it is both hot and also delicious.

Temptation accomplished 😉

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