Welcome to Night Vale Rec: What We’ve Got Here by Margo_Kim

What We’ve Got Here by Margo_Kim

Title: What We’ve Got Here
Wordcount: 2399

Summary: Carlos’s reaction to the first date involves a lot more anguished cries than Cecil’s, though to be fair, they’re only anguished cries of “Why did I do that, why did I say that, why am I allowed to interact with other people” so they’re still better than at least eighty percent of Night Vale’s late night wails.

Why this fic is awesome: Carlos is adorable! Carlos keeps lists of Things People Have Said To Him and struggles to communicate in words. Or, at least, words that do not make him cringe half an hour later when he realises what he said. This is wonderfully Night Vale in its writing, totally headcanon – I especially liked the intervenion from the Sherriff’s Secret Police.

The Night Vale fandom has a phrase for this: “Adorable Dorks in Love”. This is what this fic is all about.

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