Avengers Rec: Heaven and That Other Thing by SpacePunkStevie

Title: Heaven and That Other Thing

Author: SpacePunkStevie

Fandom: Avengers

Ship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes

Wordcount: 123,089

URL: http://archiveofourown.org/works/5482511/chapters/12667736 

Summary: What are Sam and Nat asking you about all the time?’


‘You look shifty, Steve. Be honest. Do you have a secret girlfriend? You can tell me if you do.’

Steve put a hand on each of Clint’s shoulders and looked him in the eye, ‘I definitely do not have a secret girlfriend.’ he told him, honestly.

Bucky Barnes is the owner of a cat sanctuary in Brooklyn, an ordinary guy by the Avengers’ low standards, and a growing problem for America’s favourite captain. Steve Rogers is publicly straight, endlessly bored, and has a habit of not fully thinking through his decisions when Bucky is around.

Why this fic is awesome: I do enjoy the occasional AU particlarly when one character is different but the others are the same. In this Bucky is the owner of a cat shelter and Steve is still Captain America. This fic contains a history geek! Bucky who names his cats after Presidents, a still-quite-depressed Steve, a hilariously gormless Ant-Man and a Hydra plot all about the Winter Soldier (but it would spoil the fun if I explained that one further). It’s got some lovely characters and is a lot of fun to read.

Avengers rec: Upload Your Video by poe

UPDATE: aka (here we are again!) this fic currently appears unavailable it has gone back off Ao3 and I can’t find a copy on the waybackmachine. Alas, sorry folks! 03/12/2023

UPDATE: Poe has now restored this fic and it is now here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/12931314/chapters/29550762

UPDATE: Guys! Exciting news! As of 18/3/17 Poe has restored their account. As of yet Upload Your Video has not been restored (and no I am not going to mither them about it because it is their decision if they do or not) but fingers crossed! It might come back!

DISASTER! HORROR!! As of 19/10/16 (when I wandered over to re-read for the millionth time) it seems like Poe has DELETED THEIR ACCOUNT AND/OR FIC FROM AO3.

This was one my favourite fics and it is gone. 😦 😦 (and I stupidly didn’t save a pdf because this isn’t 2004 and I shouldn’t have to bloody copy fics into word documents in order to read the bastards. Sob sob sob)

EDIT: twenty minutes later. AHAHAHA my google-ninja has worked. Okay so I have a pdf copy of this fic to squirrel away. *strokes pdf* my precioussss..

Title: Upload your video

Author: poe (for midnighttypwriter)

URL http://archiveofourown.org/works/2013297/chapters/4365201  (New link updated March 2018)

Ship: Steve Rogers/Bucky Barnes

Author: poe (for midnighttypwriter)


It’s Youtube Match Making Month and big name Youtubers have been matched based on location and interests, and assigned the task of making videos for one another. At least two videos a week, for a month, for a complete stranger. No other communication is allowed. When Steve and Bucky are matched, will it be a disaster waiting to happen?

Why this fic is awesome: if it wasn’t for the fact that typing on this tablet was very very difficult, I’d write love poems to this fic. Odes, even. It is a non powered au but the idea is just so so adorable. Steve is an artist and vlogger who mostly posts about causes and speaks out against bigotry and Bucky started vlogging about life after losing his arm.

The description of the visual medium is her well done and in the past few days I have developed an intense soft spot for fandom in fanfics…

Avengers Rec: Bucky Barnes has his shit together (and other lies he tells himself) by betty days (sadrobots)

Title: Bucky Barnes Has His Shit Together (and other lies he tells himself)

Author: betty days (sadrobots)

Ship: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers

Wordcount: 14,159

Summary: AU. You’d think a guy who owns one of the most successful bakeries in Brooklyn, has a million-dollar smile and that antiquated good ol’ boy charm, blond hair and blue eyes and biceps for days, would know what’s what.

But don’t let that fool you: Steve Rogers is a mess.

Why this fic is awesome: Well, it’s a good AU for a start- Iraq Vet!Bucky with an unhealthy addiction to pinterest and a meta-hipster Steve with a small baby and an unpleasant divorce going through. It’s cute, Bucky remains suitably awesome and it will tear your little heart to sad shreds of angst and back again.


Welcome To Night Vale Rec: My Love Should be Heard and Not Seen by lurknomoar


Title: My Love Should be Heard and not Seen

Author: lurknomoar

Ship: Cecil/Carlos

Wordcount: 24,057

Summary: Cecil Palmer is the best phone sex operator in the small company called Night Vale. One night, a slightly tipsy and very lonely scientist dials his number, and gets far more than he bargained for – a late night conversation about advanced biochemistry, a brand new fetish for surreal horror, a surprisingly reasonable internship program, some newts, and slowly, strangely, the love of his life.

Why this fic is awesome:

I have been avoiding reading this fic for a while because I honestly didn’t think I’d like it- I am not particularly fond of real-world AUs- in most of the fandoms I have been in it generally means to leech the magic out of people and, for me at least, out of the story. I like AUs, but not when they turn everybody “normal”.

And yet…every time I filter by bookmark or kudos or number of hits, I’d spot this one again and, having read an awful lot of the available fic now I gave in and gave it a try after all, so many other people seemed to like it.

Dear heaven. Okay, so what makes it awesome? Well, it’s all in the language- you can hear Cecil’s wonderful Voice seeping through the pages, you can buy the reedy-frantic, insomniac panic of a nervous Carlos who finds such comfort and solace by listening to Cecil’s voice. You cannot entirely pinpoint but can clearly see, the developments of their relationship from simple customer-operator to something more intimate, and the believable panic on both their parts as they come to realise this.

The end was particularly cleverly done (possibly a bit too cleverly)- but I won’t say more on that for fear of spoiling it. Honesty, worth a read.