Good Omens Fic Rec: Choose Your Princes Wisely by ZehWulf

Title: Choose Your Princes Wisely 

Author: ZehWulf

Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley


Wordcount: 67,195


“There’s an enchanted castle West in the Hellian slopes, and apparently it comes with a prince looking for a bride or bridegroom to free him from a dark fae’s curse.”

“I see,” Aziraphale says finally, when he realizes both Gabriel and Uriel are staring at him expectantly. “You want me to marry a beast?”

Gabriel’s mouth flattens. “I want you to take this gods’ blessed opportunity to secure your family’s future for good.”


Aziraphale is a professional quest hero who just wants to sit by the fire and read a book, if his overbearing family will ever let him; Crowley is a serpent demon who needs a gullible hero he can con into gathering some critical ingredients for a human corporation spell. Hijinks and a lot of terribly inconvenient feelings ensue.

Why this fic is awesome:

Okay so it’s a fantasy fairy AU and it somehow manages to hit all of those key tropes we love: A quest, Magic Shoes, Challenges, Working together and transformation of the questers- it just isn’t solely the literal transformation Crowley was expecting. Absolutely loved this as Aziraphale as the seventh son of a seventh son, with the other angels as his older nefarious brothers sending him out over and over again for ‘the family fortune’. Just some really delightful fun here with a great depiction of the characters.

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