Good Omens Fic Rec: Petrichor & Parchment by MrsNoggin

Title: Petrichor & Parchment 

Author MrsNoggin


Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley

Wordcount: 33,059

Summary: “Mr. Crowley, I presume?” Aziraphale asked in lieu of an introduction, which was not forthcoming. The guy hadn’t even removed his sunglasses. Oh God, he had a tattoo on his face. Aziraphale wasn’t one to judge, but… what kind of gardener had a snake tattoo on his face?

Why this fic is awesome:

It’s that time of the year where I just want to bury myself in the duvet and read fluffy, gorgeous stuff and this AU fits the bill with a solid whiff of D H Laurence in the contrasts between Aziraphale (well dressed book restorer moving to the country) and Crowley (sexy af gardener with a heart of gold and fiiiine rangy muscles and pretty tattoos for Aziraphale to ogle at). It’s sweet, it’s got a whiff of the comfortable countryside tales about it and it is also smokingly hot, includes sexy!wet!thunderstorm snogging and sweet, cosy, cuddling.

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