Good Omens fic rec: Shifting Heaven and Earth by BuggreAlleThis

Title: Shifting Heaven and Earth


Ship: Aziraphale/Crowley


Wordcount: 77,334

Summary: For most of history, since he narrowly avoiding Falling from Heaven with Lucifer, Crowley has been working for the Angelic Corruption Unit. This ended up being far more boring than he hoped it would be, but things change when he is assigned to go undercover on Earth. His mission is to investigate Aziraphale, an infamous angel who has been on Earth since its Creation, and whom Heaven is sure is guilty of corruption or dereliction of duty. He soon discovers that life on Earth is far more complicated than he’d been led to imagine, especially when Aziraphale’s demonic counterpart, Hastur, arrives on the scene.

Why this fic is awesome: It is written by a genius, for a start. The characters are so well-fleshed and you really follow the journey Crowley takes from undercover!angel to coming to understand Aziraphale though and because of learning to understand and love Earth. And Omg! Hastur with the bombs and running poor Aziraphale ragged because of course he would do shit like that. It takes through heartbreaking angst to fantastic heights, questions authority in a good solid way and also features AziraphaleSoho’sSaintOfQueers which is a fandom trope I am loving far too much.


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