Avengers fic rec: Underground by Margo_ Kim

Title: Underground


URL: https://archiveofourown.org/works/835768

Wordcount: 60,101

Ship: Steve Rogers/Tony Stark (among others)

Summary: Five years ago, Thor’s Chitauri army decimated the Earth. Now what’s left of humanity lives in bases under the Earth’s surface, safe from the toxic atmosphere. Tony likes to think that humanity’s adapted pretty well. After all, they have movie nights and dances; they’re doing better than could be expected. But when he learns that the little world of safety and stability they’ve carved out is about to be slowly but surely destroyed, the New York Underground is left with only two options–fight or flight. Tony knows which one he wants. If only Steve weren’t on the exact opposite side. Meanwhile, Natasha wants whatever option will save Clint, Pepper wants whatever option will save the base, Maria Hill wants whatever option will save everybody, and nobody’s exactly sure who Loki’s trying to save, but everyone’s hoping it’s more than just himself.

Why this fic is awesome:

WELCOME to an alternate version in which the chitauri invaded, colonised the early and for five years Tony, Steve, Pepper, Natasha, Hill, Loki and what’s left of Clint are living in the New York bunker trying to keep their people safe whilst looking for a way to do the impossible and save the earth. This fic is awesome because of clever, clever world and society building, the way it addresses what living underground in such a scenario does to people, Tony’s inherent desire and optimism, human ingenuity in the face of impossible odds and basically keeps you hooked into the story continuously. You will not be able to put this down once you start.

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