Avengers Rec: Lessons are so cold by herecomesbucktofuckshitup – No Longer Available

Title: Lessons Are So Cold


Ship: Steve Roges/Bucky Barnes

Wordcount: 57,575

URL:  https://archiveofourown.org/works/13446453/chapters/30819957 DEAD LINK- Sorry folks

Summary: Steve knows that he’s small. He knows that someone has to go undercover at the local high school, and he knows that he was the right person for the job. He just wishes he wasn’t.
And Steve really really wishes that the cute boy he’d hooked up with the night before his mission hadn’t turned out to one of his teachers.

Why this fic is awesome: So I know AUs can be a really flood a fandom but this one is really really good. As it says on the tin, cop!Tiny!Steve goes undercover to try and find out who has been selling poisoned drugs to teenagers. Featuring messed up!Bucky and guilty af!Steve trying to hold out just as the undercover mission starts uncovering way more than the team anticipated.

(Bonus X-Men crossover cuteness but if I spoiled it I’d have to kill you)

No powers AU.

EDIT: So sorry folks I dropped the ball on this one because I’m not as frequently in the fandom. I’ve no idea when but this has been removed from Ao3 by March 2024. The waybackmachine does not offer any comfort. As ever, it’s a real blow especially nowadays when Ao3 offer the ability to orphan works. 

I always take these things as a timely reminder to download and pdf your faves dammit (do I listen to myself? Rarely. But as I type this I am creating a new folder on my external harddrive for ‘ultimate GO faves I would break apart if I lost’.

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